Imran Khan net worth
The details of PTI Chairman Imran Khan's assets have come to light, he had declared his assets in the 2018 elections as Rs 3 crore and Rs 80 lakh, which has now reached Rs 30 crore, while he has given 698 in the name of his wife Bushra Bibi. He has also disclosed kanals of land while earlier he had disclosed his wife's land of 431 kanals
According to the details, a copy of the nomination papers of Chairman Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan for the by-election NA 108 Faisalabad has come out along with the details of Imran Khan's assets.
In the papers, Imran Khan has revealed assets of Rs 30 crore 42 lakh 78 thousand 495, Imran Khan has declared 698 kanals of land in Pakpattan and Okara in the name of his wife Bushra Bibi.
Imran Khan also declared Bani Gala house built on three kanals in the name of his wife, two inherited houses, 228 kanals of land in Bhakar, spent 4 crore 86 lakh 60 thousand rupees on the construction of Zaman Park house, 2020. I spent 39 lakh 54 thousand eighty nine rupees on additional constructions in Bani Gala.
According to the documents, Imran Khan owns a flat and a commercial plot on Constitution Avenue in Islamabad from which he is receiving rent of Rs 14 lakh, he has four goats worth Rs 2 lakh, he and his wife have There is no jewel, Imran Khan has no investment in any company.
According to the nomination papers, Imran Khan has one crore 12 lakh 29 thousand 398 rupees, he has also revealed the details of four bank accounts, one account of Imran Khan has 3 lakh 23 thousand 587 dollars.
In the year 2021, the Election Commission had released the details of Imran Khan's assets, according to which, compared to the year 2020, Imran Khan's assets in 2021 increased by more than 6 crore rupees.
According to the Election Commission's 2021 document, Chairman Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan owns more than 142.1 million rupees in assets, in the year 2020, the total value of the assets was more than 8 million rupees, while in the year 2020, the debt was more than 7 million rupees. .
According to the 2021 document of the Election Commission, Imran Khan had also submitted the details of the assets of his wife Bushra Bibi, then Bushra Bibi has two different lands in Pakpattan of 431 canal, while Bushra Bibi has 3 in Bani Gala Islamabad. He is also the owner of a canal house while now he has also revealed 698 canals of land to his wife Bushra Bibi.
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